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Петък, 25 юни 2010 г.
At 3rd ROMANIAN FILM FESTIVAL of CHICAGO 2011. The World According To Ion B.
ÎȚI DĂ DE VORBIT DIN 2012. Sărbătorim șase ani de EnergiEA alături de șase dintre cELE care-i dau energia.
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Se joacă cu casa deschisă. HomeFest a anunțat programul celei de a doua ediții a festivalului. Între 17 și 24 octombrie 2015, festivalul populează case și apartamente cu spectacole, concerte, conferințe, workshopuri și expoziții. Timp de opt zile în.
Kinofest promotes the new wave of films, and the independent productions. The contest brings together some of the most impressive directors, animators, producers, graphic-designers, media artists and musicians from all over the world. The main event of the festival takes place at the end of.
In august 2011, AndemMotionFilms. Finished the presentation film for Sighisoara City. The 30 minute documentary was made for Sighisoara Municipality. After 6 months of shooting and editing.
Irpen Film Festival, english version. Искусство видоизменяет человека, делает его готовым к восприятию добра, высвобождает духовную энергию.
DJs of Mayak radio station are masters of the ceremony.
МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ФЕСТИВАЛЬ ФИЛЬМОВ О ПРАВАХ ЧЕЛОВЕКА. Управление культуры Белгородской области;.
Šią savaitę paskutiniai šansai išvysti Kauno kino festivalyje rodomas istorijas. Šią savaitę paskutinė galimybė išvysti 10-ojo Tarptautinio Kauno kino festivalio filmus Kaune ir Vilniuje. Šios programos filmai kviečiantys kalbėti, diskutuoti, keisti žvilgsnį į aplinkinį pasaulį. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas istorijoms, kalbančioms apie žmogiškuosius santykius, ekologiją ir migraciją. Savaitgalį Panevėžyje svečiuosis Kauno kino festivalis. Šį savaitgalį Kauno kino festiva.
OPENING FILM IN TIMES OF FADING LIGHT. Q and A with director Matti Geschonneck. April 9 - Silent film with live music on stage. IN TIMES OF FADING LIGHT. WHEN PAUL CAME OVER THE SEA. NEXT GENERATION SHORT TIGER 2017. The Landmark at 57 West. Once again, KINO! An arthouse theatre complex located on the Upper West Side, which offers high-end technical projection and a modern ambiance. We are also delighted to welcome many filmmakers and creative talent from Germany who will atten.